There are numerous page builders available in community, such as drag and drop page builder, drag and drop theme builder, front-end builder, backend builder, drag and drop one page builder and more. But today I am going to discuss them altogether.
01. OnePager
OnePager is the first one page website builder for WordPress boxed with all the modern and powerful technology to take your site developing experience to the next level.
02. Velocity Page
The WordPress front-end drag-and-drop page builder, Velocity comes with impressive opportunity sets. that doesn’t require programming knowledge.
03. Beaver Builder
Beaver Builder is another time-saving drag-and-drop page builder, comes with vast range of opportunity. The WordPress builder is bottled with numerous pre-built layouts and its variation.
04. WR Page Builder
WP Page builder is an clean and easy to use drag-and-drop page builder. This builder is straightforward a tool, that enable you to instant WordPress page development within couple of click direct from the backend.
05 Page Builder by SiteOrigin
Page Builder by SiteOrigin is a revolutionary WordPress Page builder. The builder is available absolutely free of cost that allow to make a responsive grid-base page that can tailored with any screen no devices matters.
06 Aqua Page Builder
Aqua page Builder is another powerful Free page builder for WordPress. The drag-and-drop WordPress pages builder is notable amongst the developer because of its unlimited number of template variation for professional usage in WordPress themes.
07. Visual Composer
Visual composer is an revolutionary and award winning plugin and the most important about this builder is the top best selling WordPress plugin in the codecanyon. The drag and drop page builder comes with tons of features included.
08. LIve Composer
LIve Composer is drag-and-drop frontend WordPress page builder, popular among the developers to create unique pages for you website directly from the frontend. With a nifty front editor, that generally loads in the each bottom of pages you can add style in you site pages, enable pre-built modules, and add entire content in your website.
09. The Divi Builder
The Divi Builder is an elegant and Free page builder by ElegantTheme. The builder has been programmed with module-based system with a draggable canvas playground.
10. Themify Builder
Themify Builder is the most user friendly WordPress builder in available WordPress builders.