
How to transfer money from Mpesa to Absa Account

Time needed: 10 minutes

Follow the procedure below to transfer money from your Mpesa account to an Absa account (formerly Barclays)

  1. Open your simtool or Safaricom application then Go to MPesa menu then tap on Lipa na M-Pesa

  2. Select “Paybill” then tap on “Enter business no.”

    Business number for Absa Bank is 303030. Input the Business number the press OK

  3. Input the Absa Bank account number you are transferring money to and press OK

  4. Enter amount  you would like to deposit and press OK

  5. Enter your M-PESA PIN and press OK

    Transaction confirmation popup with the details of your transfer will appear, Confirm all the details are correct and press OK

  6. Verify the transfer then click OK to complete the transaction

    You will receive a verification window from M-Pesa to verify that the details are correct, if correct, dismiss the notification, If the transfer details is wrong, enter type 1 and press OK to cancel the transaction

  7. You will receive a confirmation SMS from M-Pesa confirming the transaction.

    Depending on your setup of Absa account, you will receive a notification that the amount has been deposited onto your Absa account

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